Sunday, July 23, 2006


trng was quite okay i guess from now onwards mrs chia is back! YAY : D warmup was the 4 rounds with stairs tiring poof! then three man ball work: we snagged the shade eh short hairs? haha then we played that passing ball game and our team won not beacause we came in first, but because we came in last and did not cheat at all! the honest team (: then milkshake and down the line. surrounding the netball court are two fields of grass. one is filled with sweet wrappers and the other one... sanitary PADS. gross right i wonder how the pads got there? lately there's always pads there. i think people just having sanitary pads flinging compeitition and just fling them around like nothing is going on like fling! so i decided to name the sweet wrapper field : sugar plantation. and the pad filled field : PADdy fields. haha hilarious right.


tuition was a bore. esp thing was super boring. just watched the children play and sweat un-naturally. argh. i'm so glad i'm not going next week or next next week. next week cause my grandpa birthday thingy and the next for sports trip. whoots! : D so fun. then went for mass. went down to united square with family. ate la mein and bought a pair of three quarts. (:


'algebra is the language of maths'

seriously cant the teachers come up with better thinking questions? i dont feel like doing this shit.
